Juanito Hernandez: The architect of diligence and perseverance

Teacher and mentor of several generations of radio all over the country, he left a trail of dedication and education in the radio world of radio propaganda, and an exemplary attitude and revolutionary intellectual.

Juanito, as he was known by his colleagues, worked and carried out the tasks assigned to the last days of its existence, had to die, 72, and he also was awarded by several institutions.

He started to work at the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television in the Directorate of Planning, Programming, which highlighted for their contributions to the regulations for monitoring visits and assistance to the country radio stations. Tireless creator, dissimilar developed workshops on the Radio Propaganda, and its valuable contributions is the creation of Radio Propaganda Handbook, an important tool for the evaluation of this specialty programming on the radio.

He was founder and jury for the National Radio Festival in Cuba, events that offered his professional and educational initiative, and represented the Radio for the coverage of the central events for the July 26 National Rebellion Day, architect for excellence in organizing these great events. In the dissimilar outreach campaigns of mass media, such as prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Drug Abuse, Save Energy, Economic Crisis, the dispute Cuba-United States, the Defense of Values, among other were applied his theoretical conceptions of communication.

He also participated with great enthusiasm in teaching at the university headquarters Cerro municipality, by training future graduates majoring in Social Communication and residence also became a large classroom, under the protection of loyal partner and wife Dalia. Juanito is for his coworkers and those who knew him closely, a man must. Their disappearance is a significant decease to the creators of the Cuban Radio.



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