
Radio Encyclopedia Celebrates its 50th Anniversary

In the beginning, Radio Enciclopedia was a provincial station and had radio announcers of both sexes. Now, it is a national station and has delightful female voices.
During 24 hours a day, it provides cultural and educational information. Its programming includes different topics ranging from how to exercise for better health through to scientific topics, said Luisa Márquez, the current director of the station.
“The fact that Radio Encyclopedia provides other issues besides cultural, has made the station become more popular with listeners in recent times. According to statistics, Radio Enciclopedia had 20th place 15 years ago, now it has the fourth “, noted Marquez.
“Recent research shows that the average age of the station’s audience is more than 30. So, some of the challenges of the station for the future include attracting the attention of the Cuban young people and encouraging our Cuban musicians to collaborate more with this station by creating more instrumental music “, said the Radio Enciclopedia director.
Radio Encyclopedia, as all national stations in Cuba, has a website with the address: http://www.radioenciclopedia.cu/. You can visit this website from anywhere in the world. You can also enjoy the music of this station live via on line with digital address mms :/ / media.enet.cu / radioenciclopedia.
Radio Enciclopedia, a station distinguished by its music and culture, is celebrating today five decades of existence with a long professional trajectory including transcendental moments and challenges to face to provide a general comprehensive culture to all the Cubans.


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