Blas Martínez Rojas, the little giant of journalism from Ciego de Avila

A man short in height but a great journalist

He has worked for over 40 years in this profession, support the career a man who loved electronics since he was a child, in this field in which he could not work for disability, until perseverance made him news professional.

Blas Martinez Rojas is considered the shortest of the country’s journalists, with an approximate height of 1.5 meters, and deformities in their limbs that have kept constrained to perform many activities.

However, one day he received with pride the proposal from the UJC to become youth correspondent, and thus received a training seminar when it was barely a student in high school, which served to matriculate at the Provincial School of Correspondents Angel Boan Acosta in Camagüey.

“There, the company realized that before him was not easy to take, with many walking limitations,” says Blasito, as fondly called by his colleagues.

Remember that at the end of these studies is entrusted with the mission to take the capital correspondent of the Juventud Rebelde newspaper on the present territory of Ciego de Ávila, with a period of training in a school of that body had correspondents in the capital.

Blas Martinez was seven years Juventud Rebelde correspondent attending the central territory from Jatibonico to Holguín, where the nascent Centennial Youth Column, now the Youth Labor Army concentrated.

Discussions with this reporter and retired increasingly emotional moment ago: “I have many stories that I experienced many special moments in journalism, ” and recalls caravans Cultural Tour of Cuba , Operacion Mambí , visits Nordic brigades and important journeys that were made by these states .

Martínez Rojas also ventured into radio as a reporter for Radio Morón , where he became Head of Informational Writing, for his extensive experience and full mastery of techniques .

“When the interviewee was tall, had my difficulties, but then I had the initiative to avail myself of a microphone with a sliding rod in order to better capture their expressions,” he says.

It may be regarded as an example of the strength of will and perseverance and deserved are your awards, including the distinction Felix Elmuza given by the Union of Journalists of Cuba , seals and diplomas for outstanding journalistic work in different media, prizes in contests and candidate Orlando Castellanos ‘s Work Award Lifetime .

Blas Martínez Rojas, short in height, is a giant of revolutionary journalism.

Translated by: Daysi Olano


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