Elian Gonzalez: the youth are the present and future of Cuba

Many of those that participated in the parades and marches claiming for my return to Cuba were pioneers, and they proved the falsehood of the phrase ¨youth are lost¨ when they also demanded the freedom of the Cuban Five, Elian told ACN news agency.

Elian, who gained international prominence when he was held in Miami by right-wing extremists against his father´s wishes, is a member of that delegation to the youth event.

He said he will attend the Congress not only to discuss the issues that interest the members of the organization but of all Cuban youngsters.

Some 500 delegates will participate in the Congress to discuss the updating of the Cuban economy model, values, school training, and cultural consumption among other topics.

Matanzas is the last province to have its delegation ready to the Youth congress which is held every four years


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