Puerto Rico calls for self-determination at UN


For the 35th time since 1972, the Committee composed of 29 countries adopted a resolution demanding Puerto Rico’s right to self-determination and independence, reiterating the Latin American and Caribbean character of the country, and urging Washington to assume its responsibility to expedite a process that would allow the people of Puerto Rico to fully exercise their inalienable right to self-determination.

Presented by Cuba, and co-sponsored by Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Russia, Syria and Venezuela, the initiative reflects concern over Puerto Rico’s inability to address its grave economic and social problems, a direct result of its colonial status.

The resolution also demands the release of political prisoner and activist, Oscar López Rivera, imprisoned for over 35 year in the U.S. for his actions in support of Puerto Rican independence. Dozens of pro-independence Puerto Ricans participated in the forum, representing diverse sectors of national society, where a resounding call for self-determination was made.

For its Part the he Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) which includes 120 of the 193 UN member countries, expressed its support for Puerto Rican independence, a position strongly backed by Cuba, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela and Syria.


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