Communist Party of China’s 95th anniversary celebrated in Havana

Zhang Tuo recalled that the CPC has become the largest party in the world, with 88 million members, and described the country’s most important economic achievements over recent years.

He also noted that over the last 95 years the Party, with the support of the people, has worked to build the new democratic revolution and the founding of a “New China”, as well as implement policy reforms and promote global collaboration, contributing to the development of China’s own form of socialism.
In regards to future prospects for the country, Zhang Tuo commented on development aspirations through 2049, with the aim of creating a modern, prosperous and socialist China.

He noted that the key to the country’s political stability lies in the Party’s unwavering commitment to serving the people and ensuring their well-being.
The Chinese diplomat also highlighted the role of the CPC and PCC in nurturing and promoting the development of China-Cuba relations and expressed his country’s willingness to share experiences with the island during this important phase of its development.

For her part, Mercedes López Acea described the impressive legacy of the CPC in its endeavor to create a socialist society of its own making. She stated, “The over 55 years of relations between our parties, states and people demonstrate that we have stood the test of time and found ways to consolidate our longstanding friendship.”

López Acea thanked China for its solidarity in the struggle against the U.S. blockade imposed on Cuba, and praised cooperation efforts with the Asian giant in support of the island’s development. She noted that the PCC will continue to defend its decision to build a sovereign, independent, socialist, democratic, prosperous and sustainable society, as was ratified during the recent 7th Party Congress.

López Acea also noted that celebrating the 95th anniversary of the founding of the CPC represents a triumph of socialist ideas.


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