Miami Protesters Demand End of US Blockade to Cuba

The demonstration was organized by the Marti Alliance coalition, which includes several organizations of Cuban emigrant residents in the northern country.

According to the organizers, the vehicles toured with lights on, sounding horns, carrying flags of Cuba and the United States, and displaying posters to demand the end of the blockade, Radio Miami station website posted yesterday.

During the tour, demonstrators were supported by many observers along the streets of Miami, including other vehicles that joined the popular clamor.

Marti Alliance executives said local media that other caravans will be held in South Florida, “until the criminal blockade Washington has imposed on the Cuban people is ended.”

Miami, one of the cities where most of the Cuban emigration is living, has been for more than 50 years the main center of operations by counterrevolutionary groups that have encouraged violent attacks against Cuba.

Recent polls show that about 52 percent of Cuban residents in the United States favors the end of the U.S. blockade against the island and within that group, 62 percent of voters age 18-29, demanded an end to such brutal measure.


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