Cubans Pay Tribute to Martyrs of the Revolution


Upon learning of the revolutionary leader’s death on July 30th, 1957, Fidel Castro described Frank País as the most valuable and the most extraordinary of all the revolutionaries.

As is traditional, Santiago residents made a pilgrimage to the Santa Ifigenia Cemetery, where his remains are kept, along with those of his close friend and collaborator Raúl Pujol, who was also killed by the dictatorship’s henchmen on that day.

In his honor, July 30th is the Day of the Martyrs of the Cuban Revolution, a date to honor those killed during the revolutionary attack on the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes garrisons on July 26th, 1953, as well as to all the revolutionaries who participated in the Granma yacht expedition or fell in combat on the Sierra Maestra Mountains or as part of the underground movement.


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