Iran Highlights Foreign Minister Zarif’s Fruitful Visit to Cuba

TV channels, media and the websites of several agencies, offered timely information of the meetings of Zarif and his delegation in Havana, particularly that with Cuban President, Raul Castro. According to Press TV channel, the Cuban political leader and the Iranian foreign minister discussed the latest regional and international events, and explored ways to improve bilateral ties between Tehran and Havana in many spheres.

In turn, Fars News and official IRNA agencies stressed that the economic cooperation was promoted and issues related to the upcoming summit of the Non-Aligned Movement, to be held in Venezuela this year, were discussed in that meeting. Even, the main news programs showed images of the moment when the visiting foreign minister laid a wreath in tribute to Cuba’s National Hero, Jose Marti, at the monument built in his honor at the Revolution Square in Havana.

Sources from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the minister and his wide delegation, made up of 120 officials and businesspersons, held other talks with businesspersons and trade and investment officials. Before meeting with Raul Castro, Zarf met, separately, with Cuban Vice President, Ricardo Cabrisas, Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment, Rodrigo Malmierca, and Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodriguez, IRNA said. Cabrisas recently visited the Islamic Republic.


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