After the Internet started to play its commercial role, webmasters began to focus on content develop and Website programming, in a way that they began to closely approach interaction with customers and users in general.
With this article I intend to describe the work of webmaster Wilber Zada Rosendi from Radio Sancti Spiritus radio station, and pay homage to all Cuban webmasters who have the mission of uploading a large amount of information and different communication products on the Cyberspace.
Wilber Zada (22) studied Computer Science at the Armando de la Rosa Polytechnic Institute of Information Technologies, located in the central Cuban province of Sancti Spiritus. He has worked as a webmaster at the local radio station since he graduated from that school.
Like Wilber, hundreds of Cuban youngsters are currently meeting the task of posting on the Websites the information generated by the media and state institutions.
Journalist: How important is it for you to be a Webmaster at a provincial station?
Wilber: Being the person in charge of updating the programming of Radio Sancti Spíritus on its Website constitutes a great commitment for me because of the carefulness required by this activity. I also have to do all programming operations and keep the site accessible, since it is permanently offering information, though at times I upload articles according to editorial instructions and I even produce some of them and edit photos, videos. You know a webmaster does all kinds of things. Information technology specialists refer to webmasters as the people totally responsible for what they do, that is why I told you it represents a significant commitment.
Journalist: Could you describe the structure of the radio station´s Web site?
Wilber: The Web site runs on a free Joomla CMS platform, which turns it into a dynamic Web, easy to update and divided into five main sections: news, social interaction, information and characteristics of Sancti Spíritus province, special sections such as Fidel’s Reflections; The Five Heroes; one of dedicated to the hero of the province, Serafín Sánchez Valdivia; plus audio on demand. There are other small sections on culture, education, health, economy, suggestions and a video on the front page on current events of the province.
Journalist: What other details could you tell about your job?
Wilber: Sometimes I work over 10 hours a day, and we work seven days a week. I must be updated about national and international events, new Web techniques, since technological development takes place at a speedy way. We, webmasters, need to constantly practice English; I am also learning French. Now, our site has a version in English, which increases the bulk of work since we have to do the job in Spanish and English at the same time.
Journalist: From your own perspective as a webmaster, what´s the impact of Radio Sancti Spíritus on social networks?
Wilber: After the opening of social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, I see the need for our station to have an impact on those sites and to be in tune with the world, since every event on the Internet has repercussions on such networks.
The permanent updating of information from Radio Sancti Spritus on Facebook and Twitter has benefitted us with a larger number of visits to our Web site and provided us with a better position on Internet Search Engines. I have also assisted my co-workers in the creation of their own blogs in different Web platforms. I think that a webmaster should be always ready to help others at any time and not to keep knowledge acquired only to himself.
Journalist: What are sections people like the most in your Web site?
Wilber: Sections such as “Gente Nuestra,” related to local personalities; “La Radio por dentro,” and, with the incorporation of “Audio bajo demanda,” the Hit Parade; “El Guateque” and journalistic genres are also favorites, among others.
Journalist: What is you opinion of the webmaster’s work at a radio station?
Wilber: It is a multidisciplinary work because the webmaster has a lot of tasks to meet; it is a complex job that requires skills; hence the importance of professional development by means of self-training and the exchange of information with other colleagues.
It is said that a webmaster should have technical training, like in the case of engineers or graduates from computer science, cybernetics and telecommunications, but I do not think it should be the rule; a friend of mine is a very good webmaster and he originally studied Literature and Spanish Language.
Journalist: I understand webmasters also develop some other skills.
Wilber: Certainly, webmasters must also develop skills such as writing, as well as graphic design, they must also learn English and practice inter-personal relations, since they have to deal with many people. They must be friendly and ready to help and guide others; I can not imagine a webmaster being a sad or an angry person.