Alfredo Iturria: radio broadcasting is art of voice and talent

Zulueta started his work on the radio when he was only fourteen years old. But soon his talent would take him to be part of the staff of the program “Voices jovenes ” on CMHW station . Since then the voice of Alfredo González Iturria heard over the airwaves of the provincial station.

“A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then, especially because I belong to a time when the station was only two dozen workers. It broadcast nineteen hours a day and we had to do it all: radio announcing, journalism, directing and producing the programs, a little of everything. “

How would you define this stage of his life?

– That was a great school, because we had such a training course now, it was an empirical study gave us the opportunity to acquire skills for radio.

Iturria, could you share some of your experiences?

– Every day when we talk through the microphone, we experience different state of minds, adequate or not. Sometimes we do not feel good but we have to leave problems at home and deal with things as they are. We must ensure that at least a half meet professional , he who listens to the radio trust our good work in our dynamic driving program or in our domain to provide information. He is not to blame for our problems, well, if you chose this or that profession is to defend it and enjoy it.

Currently Alfredo Iturria, who for decades was the announcer of the program Hablemos, is retired, but continues to lead the Broadcasting Department of CMHW station, integrates the Evaluations Committee of the announcers of the central part of the country and every Sunday you can be heard on the radio the program Despetar en familia.
What aspect a good announcer cannot miss?

– Wish to excel. It is unfortunate, but we have lost this desire. Some people reach the environment through a program of participation, create an atmosphere of populism and that makes them great harm. It is very nice to go to Coppelia and be identified, or that someone in the market gives us a shout in line because we know of a program. The important thing , not boast with that and remember how every time someone says on the street ” that well hear you , good to you , as I like your program ” they are telling sentences commitment to excel more and more each day , and I repeat , that has been lost in the media today .

What are the challenges of announcing today?

– Great … The problems we have in the XXI century is due to how each day we drop our guard in the proper use of our language, the language of Cervantes rich , where Cuba has always been paradigm. The most important thing is always to recognize that a good communicator is a professional well-endowed, it is not someone talking to the very nice things, not very pleasant, aside from those of a good speech techniques. Doing our properly work, use good language, affiliating to speech techniques and achieve empathy with the public, this guarantees a communicator par excellence as required our century.  

Translated by Daysi Olano



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