Notable women announcers in Havana

Her approach to the radio was in 1976 and did so in the Chain of Matanzas Provincial Radio 26. As she mentioned:

In 1979 she returned to Havana and the reverse occurred, it was not possible to get a consistent work as an actress and accepted a position as an announcer on Radio Reloj, where its quality became one of the leading female voices of this important national station.

In 1986 she moved to Radio Progreso and worked at the excellent program Ayer, Hoy y Mañana, a variety of high rating.  A few months later she became the founder of Juventud 2000, a program referred to the five highest-rated in the country for over 20 years and still remains in the air, directed by Guille Vilar.

Katy Rodriguez. Real Name: Caridad Rodriguez. She was born on June 15, 1950

She is outstanding announcer. She graduated from the school Mas Revolution, the Cuban Institute of Radio broadcasting in late 1970 with the title of speaker, big dreams and a lot to learn. In September 1971 began on a permanent position at Radio Enciclopedia, and that was maintained for 37 years. He said:. At that time they worked 24-hour live, work shifts of 6 hours.
Around 1973, the program identified in the morning with your voice, and also recorded shortly after the identification of the day. Since then the program began to Interlude, a star, which leaves even at 12 pm, with encore at 9 am.

On July 26, 1978 and remained opened Radio Enciclopedia Radio stereo sound, first for Havana and from 1984 to the major provincial capitals. Katy’s voice was the first to listen to that sound: the identification came out first and then the program Interlude.

She only worked 23 years in Radio Encyclopedia until 1993. Then she had the opportunity to make a magazine dedicated to the Radio Metropolitana, and then started working in Radio Havana Cuba on its morning news magazine which held about a year.
In 1995, she began working in Radio Progreso Progress, in the news program A Primera Hora first in the news and then driving, where he remained six years. That experience told us. However, she left Radio Enciclopedia; alternated work on other stations, including Radio Taino and the start of voices in the programming of educational television channel in several areas, especially in the Course of History of Cuba, together with Luis Alarcon Santana.

Sandra Hernandez . Havana, July 19, 1969.

At age 13 in 1982 after an appearance on television to publicize its activities Pioneer Student Center, address several of the TV, then, made the proposal to joining Pioneer Movement Radio Broadcasters Progress under the direction of the excellent teacher Carmen Solar. Thus, she participated in the realization of children’s programs “Rapilisto Correspondent” and “Romerillo Round” of the national broadcaster.

From this movement had the opportunity to join the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television since 1988, participating in youth segments performing in several news programs and the wording varied as the National Television Morning Journal, Journal “Look,” 6pm today and then assumed the leadership of program participation “Neither more nor less,” among others.

When she was studying a degree in History at the University of Havana, she matriculated in Communication courses: speech and conducting radio and television programs in the ICRT. He rigorously tests, approved and received the teachings of several speakers who were taught at the National Radio and Television, as Antonio Pera and Angel Hernandez.

In the year 1990 he participated in the start screen CHTV Telecentre as principal presenter of the radio program for 15 years. For his excellent work has received awards and mentions in the Telecentre National Festivals.

She has been part of the Marches speakers of Combatants of the Revolution and other political events. Since starting the Battle of Ideas was selected for conducting the open forums of the revolution in several provinces and other activities abroad.

First-class broadcaster is founder of the Telecentre CHTV (1990), the Canal Educativo Channel Educational Channel (2002) where he is responsible for conducting information-cultural magazine 12 ¨ ° Time Monday through Friday at 24:30. Is the host of the program of short films and drama series Cubavisión ¨ ¨ from 10 years. Havana is the founder of Canal Habana and every evening makes the conduct of the Hola Habana program , an area of social facilitation and cultural guidance, high-rated in the two provinces of Havana.




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