Balaguer also pointed out that, necessary transformations to change and develop Latin America and the Caribbean and to contribute to a better world, go first and over any national project and require a whole series of objectives and principles, which should be carried out by all the committed nations.
Balaguer greeted the joint initiative of the Peruvians and Communist of Peru Red Homeland of summoning the meeting to debate on the role of the organizations taking part in the clash of the counter-offensive of the imperialism, in support the progressive governments and to strengthen the unit of the forces of left.
He quoted the Peruvian Marxist thinker José Carlos Mariátegui ‘the revolution must be a neither tracing nor copy but heroic creation’, that has full validity, and greeted the efforts of this people of unit for the resistance to the neoliberal model.
On the imperialist and oligarchical counter-offensive against the revolutionary and progressive governments, of reactionary and antipopular character, he pointed out that where the conservative forces have triumphed there takes place an intensive process of reconstitution of the old elites that try to abolish those achievements won for the sake of the people, the rescue of the sovereignty and the regional political integration.
The member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba denounced the narrow relation of these right-wing governments with corruption, tax evasion or the drug trafficking and warned that the conflict of its politics they feed a climate of uncontrollable nature that gives place to an increase of repression.
He criticized to the Alliance of the Pacific organization – which is a neoliberal block with Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru – and other initiatives of free trade, which try to hide its extract pro imperialist nature, in order to perpetuate the role of the region like raw material supplier, to the detriment of the sovereignty and the possibilities of development of the nations.
He also advocated for the need to raise the morality of the communists and revolutionaries and of the left in general ‘because in this struggle, inevitably of long term’, but finally they will triumph the social justice, the equal opportunity and the solidarity. Also, it is necessary to face, he added, the concentration of the information, the means and the culture of the capitalism and ‘there are needed radical reforms that democratize the access to information and respect the diversity of opinions, cultures and history, which are to the service of our peoples’.
On having ratified the Cuban solidarity with the revolution bolivariana and chavista and with the government of the president Nicolás Maduro it pushed back ‘the pretensions of the imperialism to isolate Venezuela ‘. And he repeated Cuban support to all the revolutionary and progressive governments.
On having exhibited the panorama of Cuba, Balaguer pointed out that the model of its country consists of impelling and consolidating the construction of a prosperous and sustainable socialistic society in the economic, social and environmental thing.
It implies, he continued, a commitment ‘with the strengthening of the ethical, cultural values and politicians forged by the Revolution, in a sovereign, independent, socialistic, democratic, prosperous and sustainable country’.