Diaz-Canel reviews 2017-18 sugar cane harvest’s performance

Such considerations took place during a working meeting that took place this week as part of the checks that the country’s top management regularly carries out on programs related to Cuban economic and social development.

Julio García Pérez, president of the Grupo Empresarial Azucarero (Azcuba), explained that since 2010 they have brought the sugarcane plantations closer to the mills, increasing the sugar yield and putting into operation more than a dozen mills that were paralyzed at the time.

He noted that the production of derivatives experienced growth, particularly in animal feed.
Similarly, he spoke of 2017-2018 harvest, in which more than one million tons of raw sugar were produced, a figure below expectations.

He announced that for the next harvest, scheduled to begin in November, it was decided to resume tractor and trailer carrying to the collection centers; the capacity will be increased by 15 cleaning centers; and 20 conveyors will be put into operation to carry more railway carriages to the factory.



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