Fidel beside Martí

As Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, first secretary of the Party and President of the Councils of State and Ministers, remarked yesterday evening, December 3, in the city’s plaza Mayor General Antonio Maceo, the Comandante en Jefe of the Cuban Revolution is “very close to the Mausoleum of National Hero José Martí; his compañeros in the struggle at Moncada, from the Granma, and Rebel Army, from the clandestine campaign and internationalist missions.

”The tombs of Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, father of the homeland, and the legendary Mariana Grajales, mother of the Maceo brothers and, as I dare to improvise in this act, also the mother of all Cuban men and women, are located just a few feet away.

Also close by is the pantheon where the remains of the unforgettable Frank País García rest; a young man from Santiago, murdered by Batista’s henchmen at only 22 years of age, one month after his younger brother Josué died fighting in an operation in this city,” added Raúl.



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