Josuam Palacios, director of the museum Fragua Martiana, told the Prensa Latina news agency that various political and cultural activities to honor Marti will be carried out throughout the year, seeking to foster Marti’s stamp from his own thinking on the cultural and patriotic formation of Cuban youth.
That is the aim of the Fragua Martiana, particularly since US President Barack Obama urged the Cuban population to forget history.
Palacios said that Cuban young people should be taught as patriots, as good citizens and of course, promote the anti-imperialist awareness of Marti in them, so crucial nowadays.
For this, the Museum has scheduled activities such as talks, master lectures and the launching of the book ‘Entre espinas, flores. Anecdotario’, by Professor Carlos Manuel Marchante.
The workshop, ‘Marti en las artes visuales’, the panel ‘Marti y Fidel, arquitectos de la Revolucion’, the master lecture ‘Patria es humanidad’ as well as the event ‘La esperanza del mundo’ are scheduled in the program.
The central ceremony for the 164th anniversary of Marti’s birth and the 65th anniversary of the Museum Fragua Martiana will be hosted next January 28th at the institution’, said Palacios.