The FM conveyed a message from President of the Republic of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta, to the President of the Cuban Councils of State and Ministers, Raul Castro.

Salvador Valdes Receives Visiting FM of Kenya
Accompanying the distinguished visitor were John Lepi Lanyasunya, Kenya’s ambassador to Cuba, with residence in Canada, and Lucy N. Kiruthu, Director a.i. for the Americas, among other officials.
Likewise Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez and Amina Mohamed, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the Republic of Kenya, ratified in this capital on Monday their willingness to maintain the excellent state of bilateral ties.
During the reception at the headquarters of the Foreign Ministry to the FM of Kenya, who is on an official visit to Cuba, Rodriguez said that relations with that country are a priority due to cultural roots and the historic ties between the two peoples.
The FM expressed Cuba’s gratitude towards Kenya’s solidarity, particularly for its expressions of support against the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by Washington on Havana for over half a century.
He also praised exchanges in the area of cooperation and at multilateral level, while stressing that the African country is host to international organizations of great importance, and its role as part of the African Union.
Rodriguez reiterated Cuba’s solidarity, particularly against acts of terrorism, its opposition to supranational mechanisms that violate the sovereignty of that people; and its support for the Kenyan struggle for peace and development.
The African FM also highlighted the historic relations between the two countries and Cuba’s support for her country during the struggle for independence, which “is engraved in the collective memory of the African people,” she stated.
We hope to continue building the strong foundation established by the leaders of the two countries, asserted Mohamed, while hoping that her visit will help solidify ties.
After the meeting, and in the presence of both FMs, a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation between the Raul Roa Institute of Foreign Affairs (ISRI) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Kenya was signed.
Meetings between the visiting FM and top leaders of the Cuban Communist Party and the government have been also planned.