University 2016: For a sustainable human development

The meeting convened by the Ministry of Higher Education (MES), and is sponsored by a significant number of institutions with the participation of more than 2,200 foreign delegates, including relevant figures as presidents, chancellors and secretaries and academic institutions international organizations like the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

“For us it is of vital importance. It is a space for debate and encounter, to show the best experiences in the training process and relevance of university graduates. Has a strong weight in the postgraduate activity, “he told reporters José Ramón Saborido Loidi, first deputy MES.

Organized into 19 workshops, the program also includes lectures, a forum of rectors of higher education institutions, pre-congress courses, meetings and symposia.

Cuba will attend University 2016 with about 630, including delegates and guests from all provinces. The universities of the island will be represented by their governing in this congress.

Until 1 February more than 60 countries from all continents had confirmed their participation in the Scientific Program. Among those attending Africa highlights the delegation of Angola and Mozambique, the nations of the region is worth emphasizing that Nicaragua, Ecuador and Colombia increased the number of delegates regarding previous editions.

Moreover, the assistance of academics from the United States, France, Germany, Belgium and Spain rises in a context marked by the restoration of diplomatic relations between the island and the northern country in December 2014 and for the strengthening of ties with the Old Continent.

2016 University has not wanted to miss the 90th birthday of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, so the “Fidel Castro and Development of Innovative University” panel will be held.

During the opening day greeting Dr. Qian Tang, Assistant Director General for Education of UNESCO, and a lecture by Dr. Rodolfo Alarcón Ortiz, Minister of Higher Education of the host country it is expected.

Translated by: Daysi Olano Fernandez



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