Caravan to demand end of US blockade against Cuba was successful

The main political leaders of the Alianza Martiana coalition, Elena Freire and Max Lesnik, described as “successful” the caravan that toured Miami on Sunday to demand the end of the blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba.

 “As on the last Sundays of every month, we had another successful caravan, we left with great enthusiasm and once again demanded the end of these terrible sanctions that weigh on the Cuban people and make them suffer,” Freire noted in an interview on social networks.

She repeated the common claim to remove Cuba from the list of countries that allegedly support terrorism, and pointed out that Cuba only exports “medicine and love.”

Lesnik, in turn, stated that this caravan was carried out due to “the will of Cuban emigrants who love their country and who want the United States to change its policy of aggression.”

Despite several acts of harassment, hundreds of Cuban residents in Miami and other solidarity activists took to the streets to demand that President Joe Biden lift the blockade against Cuba.



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