Nahem Advocates US Must Break the Siege of Disinformation on Cuba

In an interview with Prensa Latina, the coordinator for solidarity with Cuba in New York stated that the best antidote to neutralize the lies that are disseminated is to bring to the United States people who represent the reality of the island.

‘The best ambassadors to tell the truth about Cuba are the real Cubans, we are already tired of people talking on behalf of them, people who only respond to the power that harasses and blocks the island,’ said the social and anti-war fighter, one of the organizers of an event that over the weekend brought together defenders of normal relations between Washington and Havana.

According to Nahem, Americans, regardless of their political beliefs and positions, understand the situation better when they receive first-hand information.

‘That can only be guaranteed by those who live there and who in this country are aware of what is being done in Cuba by its people and by the most vulnerable and oppressed human beings in the world,’ he said.

In this regard, the activist said that one of the actions agreed in the forum of solidarity with the island, held on March 25 and 26 at the New York University of Fordham, is to promote the visit to cities of the United States of more and more spokesmen of the reality of the Caribbean nation.

‘We have to counteract the image created against Cuba by people who oppose the Revolution, we have already seen too much of that and for a long time,’ he warned.

In addition to the disinformation, Nahem denounced hostile practices of successive administrations in the White House, which he described as great obstacles to the normalization of relations.

‘We cannot have normal links as long as economic, commercial and financial sanctions remain, as well as the occupation of a part of Guantanamo with an American naval base and regime change programs; the resumption of diplomatic relations was a great step, but it is not enough,’ he stressed.




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