Sponsored by the Department of Information and Communication for Development of the School of Communication of the University of Havana, the event will emphasize in the process of sensitizing, forming and investigating these sciences in favor of the well-being of society.

Caleidoscope 2017 University Event
According to its organizers, Caleidoscopio constitutes an academic space for the exchange of experiences among people and institutions that has created or has incorporated to a project social development.
Those that wish to participate in the event’s three categories –stand, audiovisual and/or research article-, send an email to caleidoscopio@fcom.uh.cu with the corresponding dates of each modality before April 14th.
All documents must be sent before the 24th with a report of a narrative project, audiovisual and scientific article and this can be presented in a monograph or research report based on the results of the issues of social development.
Regarding the audiovisual characteristics, the materials must have a maximum duration of 40 minutes and the categories should be Educational or participatory video, memories and history of life.
In addition to the three modalities, the university event will be awarded to the best theme or novel project and Grand Prize.
The Department of Information and Communication for Development, created last year, has among its objectives, to generate an interdisciplinary space of support to the advancement of teaching, research and university expansion, centered in communicational strength.
The main objectives of the Department is to promote inter-sectorial and the citizen empowerment through the democratic information-communication practices, capacity of the key actors and elaborate products in tune with the human development agenda.