The pieces inspired by the health crisis and its relation with the creative processes bear the signature of renowned figures of the island’s plastic arts such as Lesbia Vent Dumois, Isavel Gimeno, Alicia Leal, Flora Fong, Zaida del Rio, Diana Balboa, Betsy Arias, and Liam Dominguez.

Cuban artists to remember Eusebio Leal with group exhibition
Two months ago, several Cuban institutions organized actions to pay tribute to Leal, who died on July 31, 2020, after a life dedicated to the restoration of the Historic Center of this city and the rescue of Cuban heritage. In that sense, the project Routes and Walks in Cuba stand out, which in its 2021 edition distinguished the multifaceted work of the Doctor of Historical Sciences and socialized the tags #LealDiplomat, #LealArcheologist #LealEcologist, and #LealCulturalManager.
With the slogan Andar La Habana. Tras la Ruta de Eusebio Leal (Walk Havana. Following Eusebio Leal’s Route), the proposal approached the gifts of its founder and highlighted his ability to ‘understand artistic creation with the sensitivity of an artist and the sharp judgment of an art critic.’
In his prolific career as a researcher, politician, and academic, he wrote essays, prologues, and articles on history, art, restoration, and other general topics, while he was awarded some thirty medals and decorations by prestigious institutions in countries of all continents.