Gradual reopening of services starts in Cuba

This is the case of seven provinces, including the capital and the Isla de la Juventud (Isle of Youth) Special Municipality, where economic and social recovery will move towards normalcy.

The measures announced here include activities in the public and private sectors under health regulations to curb the pandemic.

Services such as notary, civil registry and property registry procedures will resume their work, although organized by appointments to avoid crowds.

This is also the case of restaurants and food stands that comply with the applicable regulations in the current epidemiological situation.

In Havana, more than 500 restaurants, both state-owned and private, are reopening their doors.

‘It is necessary to prevent crowds and concentrations of people outside the establishments and, for this, measures must be taken inside these places,’ Havana Governor Reynaldo Garcia said on television.

He explained that the services will be by reservation, for which the telephone numbers of these gastronomic units are being published.

For Havana residents and those from western Matanzas province, the new options include access to beaches.

Minister of Domestic Trade Betsy Velazquez assured that the successful vaccination process in the country ‘allows us to consider that some territories and towns have the conditions for reopening.’

She explained that restrictions are maintained in places where there are active contagions of the disease.



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