Press Room for ACS Summit in Havana Ready

According to the organizing committee, in the first two days of the convention the press room will be used for several local officials and experts to present their works related to the Summit.

Also, they will have the opportunity to share elements of the comprehensive bilateral cooperation and Cuba’s support to the ACS in areas such as health, training of Caribbean professionals, and technical support for the development of infrastructure and agriculture as well as the preparation to prevent and deal with natural disasters and the effects of climate change.

In that sense and shortly after the opening ceremony, the Deputy Director General for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Carlos Rafael Zamora, will give a lecture on the historical significance and geopolitics of the ACS, the participation of Cuba and its links with the Caribbean.

Instituted from a decision of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (Caricom), at its extraordinary meeting in Port of Spain in 1992, the ACS is one of the most important integration processes in the area.

In addition to its 25 member states and seven associates, the ACS gathers 21 other countries and nine international organizations as observers in Havana.

As reported in recent days by official sources of Cuba, holding the pro tempore presidency the body during the past year, the event will include a session in which the heads of State and Government will balance positions facing the challenges of sustainable development, the climate change and peace in the region.

Similarly, a decision will be taken on the application for admission as an associated member of the French territory of Saint Martin, and those of Bolivia, Uruguay, Kazakhstan and the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America as observers will be evaluated.



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