With hands and heart the path is paved

Huge are the problems we are facing every day and, to overcome them, the country needs facts and concrete achievements. It is urgent that action be taken against what is urgent, that no problem be overlooked – above all a problem that affecting our people – and that our convictions continue as backbone to the nation’s resistance.

The Revolution is sustained by popular support. This is indisputably evidenced throughout its almost 65 years, since this support became decisive for the triumph of January 1959, later for its permanence, and now it is the mainstay for today’s continuity.

This May 5th , the Homeland will contemplate, once again, how its children defend “the great unity (…) one that  we must always take care of like the apple of our eyes” –as Army General Raúl Castro Ruz has said–. Streets and squares throughout the country will attest that we owe to unity what we are today.

The date offers several high-profile reasons: the impetus of the meeting that Martí, Gómez and Maceo held in La Mejorana, to set the course for a Necessary War; and the conceptual postulate of the Commander in Chief who, 23 years ago, just a on a May Day, defined the dimensions of what the Revolution is and means.

Martí’s principle that “the Homeland is an ara and not a pedestal” reflects the narrow path that we have always followed, from the very day that the bearded men came down victorious from the Sierra and merged with the people, of which, then, Fidel said: “Now the people has to fight to save what it did, now the people has to fight to survive as a Revolution.”

Cuba needs us Cubans to position our hands –because they build and produce wealth– and our hearts –because they instill breath and life–. Let’s continue paving the paths as we walk.



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