You are doing it well, Fidel!

We, Cubans are neither tolerant nor ruthless, and the Spaniards who colonized our island for centuries could state that; however we feel a peculiar attachment to their culture and admire its people since part of our roots are there. Fidel has always taught us to behave that way. So, we would like to discuss with the US citizens and strengthen the bonds of friendship with them, but we can not do that, since the U.S. administration prohibits it, as if it were a crime. Anyway, our respect and affection for the US people is great, and Fidel is the first one who shows that.

On this island where more than eleven Cubans million live, we defend our ideals non-stop; we are loyal to our time. They can not fool us and even less subject our country to a pseudo-republic like that one imposed by an amendment at a time when the forces were decimated, divided and orders were given from the United States, a country that turned brutal after it took our victory away from the Spanish colonialism.

Over these 50 years of revolution Fidel identified a lot with his country and his people. He closely linked to the revolution fate, since the moment he climbed the steps of the University of Havana for the fist time. After half a century he shared his dreams throughout Cuba, the Latin American continent and the whole world, and that bothers those who hate our revolution. Fidel is the driving force of our nation and everybody knows it, from the children to the elderly people. We are “optimists, dreamers, modest and we are proud of the revolutionary work.

We do not accept injustice or that someone intends to ride roughshod over us, we condemn the servile people and we share our food with the poor. Cubans know how to share tasks and work hard, that is part of our culture. This is the way we live; this is the way we are, just like our Fidel.

Fidel, dressed on his sports clothing, has showed us that he is still active like an athlete whose thoughts and ideas keep alive and that his withholding continues to be the same. “Fidel’s health seems to be stable,” said Genevieve, one of my neighbors, while others cried:  He looks like an energetic man! The people’s joy was obvious after Fidel’s last appearance during a meeting with the Cuban intellectuals.

Now, Fidel has reappeared like a Titan after struggling against the vicissitudes, who has survived multiple testing in the operating room with the same force of his prodigious memory as he has recalled every detail of his life in the Sierra Maestra mountain range. What has Fidel’s reappearance provided us?

Fidel- with his long fingers and hands, as Guayasamín painted him – has given our breath back after waiting for many months; likewise his expressions and gestures accompanied harmoniously with his voice, an irreplaceable weapon well known by the US Empire. Fidel has reappeared being the same person he used to be, and gave the homeland its joy back.

So, all we Cubans think similar to Fidel. When we saw him on television after his recovery; when we saw the image of such a great man we were calm again … and we recall that famous phrase by former Comander Camilo addressed to Fidel: “You are doing it well, Fidel “.

A translation by Silke Paez Carr



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