
“La Voz de la Victoria” Station Celebrates Cuba’s Bay of Pigs Victory

“The station was created by a staff that did not have wide knowledge of radio techniques. It was also a new phenomenon for the people and the community,” said Nieves Vázquez Yamilka, a reporter for La Voz de la Victoria. At the beginning, the station had only an hour of broadcasting with varied programs, which was based on the audience participation and social facilitation programming.

“La Voz de la Victoria” was created with to favor that community, which is still fighting for its social development. Currently, the station intends to continue gaining audience through a reliable image for the listeners, and especially “to keep the quality of its programming” said Roniel Hernandez Lopez, Coordinator of music productions.

To plan local programs, the radio producers take into account the demographic characteristics of the territory and the population index. They also do research to assess which are the other stations the listeners listen to as well as the shows and hours with a large audience.

“The longest running show is the varieties magazine Dinamicas RVV with 157 minutes of broadcasting. It has diverse sections with different themes, such as home issues, legal sciences, environment, history, social facilitation, and energy savings, among others. It includes journalistic works and two news bulletins. It broadcasts foreign and Cuban popular music and keeps a listener-program relationship by telephone and correspondence, “said Mireles Yaima Garcia, Director General of the station.

“La Voz de la Victoria… the voice that lives in you” is the slogan the people of Cienaga de Zapata locality listen to every morning when tuning in to this station. As a new station, its radio producers are proud to say they are focused on improving this radio product every day, starting with the listeners ‘opinions and technical requirements.

Along with Playa Giron victory over the Bay of Pigs invasion in (April 19, 1961), the radio producers of “La Voz de la Victoria”, also celebrated  its founding (April, 19, 2008). This is the station that represents the Cienaga de Zapata locality, an example of radio development, which shows that the local listeners can participate, change and even dream.



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