Cancer, A Growing Disease

Monzon tackled this issue during a press conference in ocasion of the World Day of the Struggle against Cancer, which is held every February 4.

The specialist highlighted that nearly 30 percent of the death for this reason could be prevented with changes in the life style, through healthier diets, physical exercises and reduction of consumption of alcohol and tobacco.

They also highlighted the need to boost self-care of the population, raise consciousness of what can be done individually, even when the Cuban health system has a national program directed to the control the complaint.

That program includes a research strategy, early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, rehabilitation and continuing care based on primary care, Monzón stressed.

I also considered that at this moment there are better means to deal with the illness, although there are still strategies aimed at a more aggressive interference against smoking, which constitute one of the major risky factors.

He commented the progresses in personalized therapies with greater precision towards the needs of each patient, key strategies for the future.

The World Day of Fight against Cancer, is celebrated around the world under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO), and this year the campaign is inserted under the slogan ‘No beyond us’, which warns that solutions exist and are within our reach.


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