But no. It was the Pearl of the South, a city with French charm and already in those years he dared to claim the title jealous provincial capital, which robbed us that privilege. So, if we go to the right direction, there at number 220 of the majestic building located in the old Arguelles street in the corner of Gacel, was from that exact spot, where the first sign of the Reina Radial del Centro.
Certainly not with the strength to reach later, because the media themselves as explained at the time, the station emerged in optics “The Golden lens” had a power of 100 Watts in antenna, an amplifier 20 and a diet based mercury vapor. Ensure that the station, which broadcast from their own room in the house of Dr. Ramon Gonzalez, was heard in the Pearl, and even a little beyond.
However, they were days of radio, and in a headlong rush to create new channels or buy existing ones, not a few men pledged their effort. Nor it was nothing unusual for major cities monopolize the most efficient plants, as happened four years later when the businessman Guillermo Domenech went to Cienfuegos to bring W to Santa Clara.
On one side the old Parisien to the corner of Marta Abreu and Zayas, and then building the RHC Cadena Azul to the current location in the Municipal Palace of the Government, the constant transfers from the iconic plant, but speak the winding up position an octogenarian station wins.
And that’s how the twenty fourth letter of the Spanish alphabet began to acquire special significance for Villa Clara. So simply, W. He said W! Suffice it to mention this consonant to certify or give absolute credibility to information.
82 years guarantee our history giving soul, heart and life to a whole village now recognizes this medium the most trusted and loved. And every day there are thousands who tune your preferences to find the ultimate truth, relent with his novel, sunrise with a tune, or know what sells, buys or exchange. Not only in Villa Clara, also there in Cienfuegos sister, and provincial capital, and a little beyond. Wherever the genuine Cuban look at the dial!
Translated by: Daysi Olano Fernandez