Book “Septeto Santiaguero Nace un Lucero”

According to Fernando Dewar, it is a work with many surprises since the group has unknown stories for his fans. Oscar Oramas, who is the author of the book, expressed his pride and happiness for his contribution to the rescue of the most essential values ​​of Cuban music and for providing future generations an approach to appreciate the work of the group.

Fernando Dewar also thanked to all those involved in the project, especially the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (Uneac) and the Company of Recordings and Musical Editions (Egrem). Being the result of the effort and work between Ediciones Caserón, the regional Uneac office and Egrem, the book is expected to be available to the public in the coming months.

Details about the remodeling process of the Salón del Son, located on Calle Enramadas, are part of the anecdotes as this place will be the head office of the group. In this regard, Fernando Dewar highlighted the interest in the initiative as the group aims at making it a benchmark institution for Cuba, in which the style and elegance of the son are defended as a musical genre and as a dance. Many creators from the city led by Israel Tamayo, a prestigious plastic artist, participate in the new design and decoration of the site.



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