Fidel and the IX Ibero-American Summit

Once again the assembled dignitaries expressed their strong rejection of extraterritorial measures applied against Cuba by the US government.

In his speech, Fidel highlighted the importance of these summits, and referring to the factor of the unit, said: “Today we have the opportunity to defend our vital interests together and negotiate together the crucial issues of our time. Acting separately, one by one, all could be eaten; together, nobody would be able to devour any of us. “

The vision of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution emphasized the value of the unit to meet the challenges of a globalized world dominated by neoliberal capitalism. He also praised the relevance of Latin American meetings to settle disputes between states, including frontier character “… as ancient as those of Peru and Ecuador, and reached between Argentina and Chile.”

In stating the bonds of Latin American countries with the Old Continent, he noted that “… Spain and Portugal have become sound and indispensable bridges with Europe that is united and integrated; ties with the Caribbean develop and narrow. “

During the meetings they were discussed strategies to strengthen the international financial system, towards a stable functioning of the world economy, taking into account developing countries and their needs.

A major achievement was formally approved the establishment of the Ibero-American Cooperation Secretariat (SECIB), based in Madrid, Spain.

The Ninth Summit of Heads of State and Government Ibero, which was held in Havana, showed the spirit of cooperation and solidarity of Cuba, its openness to international cooperation and its commitment to peace.




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