The Real Meaning of the US Bombing in Syria

Apart from the confirmed victims, the attack caused dozens of people wounded and destroyed almost completely that facility that is the second most important one of the government forces. There were warplanes, anti-craft weapons, houses of officials and an oil warehouse.

After the attack that was ordered by the Republican Donlad Trump, it was destroyed the Al-Chaayrate airbase.

The unilateral and military intervention of the United States has an immediate effect in the world markets. The Asian market was beginning at the same hour of the attack with related falls in all its markets. Before a day which could be featured by the intensity. The gold and oil parameters were higher, while the US dollar was trying to keep its value. The Down Jones parameter was falling a 0.5% at the moment when it was known the attack. The same happened to the S&P 500 one.

The political instability in the Middle East could be deeper in the oil market. The Brent oil that is a world reference and the West Texas were getting more expensive with nearly a 2% during the first instants of the attack, while the televisions began to show imagines of the US destroyers launching cruise missiles from the Mediterranean Sea.

Russia Cancel Cooperation with the United States

Russia suspended the military collaboration that it had with the United States in Syria in response to the US attack against a Syrian airbase, the Russian Foreign Ministry, which accused Washington of having planned the attack in advance, reported.

The Russian side suspended the validity of the memorandum that exists to avoid accidents and warranting the safety of flies, during the military operations in Syria which was signed with the United States. The Ministry, who is María Zajárova and loaded on its official webpage, pointed out.

The Russian spokesperson said that the US attack was ready in advance and the fact that it was pretty clear for any specialist that the decision about the attack had been taken in Washington before the event in Idlib (the attack with chemical weapons was attributed to the Syrian government forces) and even that it was used as a pretext for a demonstration of military power.

“We are before a clear aggression against Syria. The actions carried out by the United States destroyed even much more the Russian-American relations.” The Russian high official pointed out.

Moscow accused the United States of using a demonstration of military power and the military clash with a nation which fights against the international terrorism, without even making clear, the circumstances of the chemical attack against the Syrian population that according to the US sources would the cause.

“It is abundantly obvious that the United States is also an attend to divert the attention about the situation in Mosul city, where as a result of the actions carried out by the military coalition led by the United Sates, there were hundreds of innocent civilians who were killed and that increases the humanitarian catastrophe.” María Zajárova added.

The Missiles

The United States carried out a massive bombing against some targets in Syria with 70 guided missiles in response to an allegedly and aggression with chemical weapons which Washington attributes to the Syrian leader Bashar al Asad.

Nevertheless, both Russia and the Syrian government have denied that version of that attack with chemical weapons and they have stated that a deposit of chemical weapons with was used by the terrorists was the one struck.

For the moment being, Neither the United Nations nor the Prohibition for Chemical Weapons organizations have confirmed yet the kind of chemical agent that was used in San Shijún.

The Tomahawks, which were widely used by the United States in the Persian Gulf War in 1991, are cruise missiles that have an average range of 1.500 kilometers.

These cruise missiles have a variety of uses for the attacks. They can be launch from the sea and travel at a relative low altitude in comparison with other missiles to avoid being detected by radars. These powerful weapons are equipped with conventional warheads with contain some 100 kilograms each. Each unit has a modern communication system and they have a an average value of $ 832.000 dollars.

The Tomahaw missiles have an average length of 6.25 meters and fly at a speed of 885 kilometer an hour.







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