Young People at the Front Line in Vital Scene during the Pandemic

Since the beginning of the actions to confront the COVID-19 in Cuba, he said, the youth force has been vital in all spheres, making up a good part of the Guantanamo active in both the heroic sector of Health, fighting  the coronavirus  as in productive areas, and of volunteers supporting with a high sense of responsibility all necessary activities in this context.

The province currently has 4,102 Medical Sciences students cooperating in research throughout the territory, and more than 1,500 young people in food production, from industry and agriculture, with greater representation in the latter, called to be the main power source.

Also linked to this essential productive task there are 310 university students in 18 volunteer brigades deployed in all the municipalities of the town, representing the student federation and at the disposal of any other mission assigned by the Defense Councils, which today evaluate and guide actions to follow.

Many of these mobilized students collaborate in the field in the sowing short-cycle vegetables, in the pasture and forage, in the construction of buildings for poultry and rabbit raising, and the same, as in the Manuel Tames Municipality,  they support mango harvesting and processing in the industry of the Casimba community and in the Valle del Caujerí.

Other students from different careers of Higher Education in Guantanamo alternate in sanitation work, collecting necessary bottles in pharmaceutical laboratories, in the messaging of the Pharmacies themselves, and some 400 cooperate with the Family Care System, bringing lunch and food for older adults living alone and other vulnerable groups.

The local university community also undertook various tasks in support of the services at the Isolation Center set up on the campus itself, and after the encouraging absence of patients there today, some continue there in the maintenance and hygiene of the campus.



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