Cuba and the United States settled in Washington second regulatory dialogue

From complex web of laws and decisions that make up the blockade, Washington and Havana agreed to hold such meetings, held in Havana in October its first version, in the context of the trip to the Greater Antilles the US secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker.

The inauguration of the regulatory dialogue was given by the Pritzker own and Cuban Minister of Foreign Trade and Rodrigo Malmierca, Foreign Investment who is serving a working visit heading a delegation of executives and managers in the Caribbean nation.

According to the host, the meeting scheduled until Thursday will allow the Departments of Commerce, Treasury and State explain the changes announced by the head of the White House last month and business opportunities for US companies in Cuba in the new scenario.

This second dialogue is another opportunity to better understand how our two governments and economies can work together, Pritzker said in a statement.

The Obama administration reported on January 26 financial measures and exports and travel, with emphasis on the possibility of granting credits to Cuba.

It is expected that the visiting delegation today expose the features of its economy, in particular regarding the importation of goods and services and financial transactions.

We come humbly to understand each other better and see how concrete operations that can be done, said the Malmierca Eve, who along with his companions was received in the United States Chamber of Commerce, where he talked with leaders of the entity and businessmen.

The owner recognized regulatory measures Obama, but reiterated that the effect of the blockade is the main obstacle to progress in bilateral ties.

Havana insists that the current US administration can do more in the executive order to reduce the impact of the fence.

Vice President for the Americas of the American Chamber of Commerce, Jodi Bond, and former Secretary of Commerce, Carlos Gutierrez, also noted the reef representing the hostile policies of the ties between the two countries.

Translated by: Daysi Olano Fernandez


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