President Diaz-Canel talks on improvements in Cuban neighborhoods

Havana Governor Reinaldo Garcia said that more than 32,000 actions have been implemented over the last eight weeks, including 6,611 construction works and 26,143 in social works.

Those actions seek the economic and social development, as well as achieving a more beautiful, hygienic and organized city.

The care of mothers witih more than three children, senior citizens and children, offers for the continuity of studies or employment, with emphasis on young people, and facilities for families to get resources, are among the actions. Garcia said at a press briefing that the transformations in 65 Havana neighborhoods combine people’s participation to solve the problems and respond to citizens’ proposals.

The program for the improvements of the communities is a priority task by Cuba’s top leadership.

President Diaz-Canel has repeatedly advocated for sustainable changes in time and insisted that these experiences could be extended to other neighborhoods nationwide.

Edited by María Romero


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