A man short of words, good hearted and passionate for the radio

“I was still a boy, I was in the old radio station Guama, in Maceo and Rosario Street, there I did many practices, I edited many programs, among them different chapters of Escuela en el Campo and of Trabajadores del Mar. I began working at seven in the morning and we finished very late.

“After that, I got a bit off the radio because I started to work in other work centers, but then – as the radio bug always stings one – I went back to the station and I’ve been here for 20 years.

“After that, I got a bit off the radio because I started to work in other work centers, but then – as the radio bug always stings one – I went back to the station and I’ve been here for 20 years.

Each day, Tabares arrives at the station – which he feels as his home – to put the dedication and love that he feels for his work, with an exemplary discipline for which he catches the respect and admiration of all.

Víctor Tabares: Radio for me is everything, without it, I can not live / Photo of Dunia Chinea

“The radio is everything for me, without it I can not live.I work until Saturdays, but on Sunday I have to come around to the radio station. Every Sunday they say “But you do not work today!” And I tell them: “But this is my house, it’s practically my house.”

During these days he was on vacation, but on many times when I arrived at the station early I found Victor Tabares Ríos along the corridors greeting colleagues and feeding, I think, from the environment that we live here.

As I know that he not only dedicates his time to complement voices with sounds and sound effects that appear on the air, but he is also a faithful listener. I recently dedicate him, a journalistic material, to whom I define as short of words , good of heared, and passionate fort the radio.













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