Aunt Rosa. Radio and Children

Radio shows and performances for the audience along with children have helped the aunt Rosa is acknowledge as a crucial figure within the artistic work; as well as her renowned talent, perseverance, and maternal love which is implicit throughout her work and daily routine.

For Rosa, working for the children and with them is like a gift because they are her inspiration and motivate those thoughts of the music-lover little girl, for which her father had bought her a guitar when they lived in the province of Sancti Spiritus, the place she was born. Rosa has an innate talent and her funny remarks for children even do not need music because they part of her every day life; one of them is included: Building a guitar with that old stick for cleaning the floor, using a powder box for music, likewise some pieces of nylon string that her father used to fish, which surprised Rafael Rodriguez, her first teacher of music. Her ingenuity is only possible with persons, like her, that have such imagination as if was a cultural heritage.

Although she was born in Sancti Spiritus –September 19, 1957- because her parents spent some time in this province, Rosa feels that Cienfuegos is a great part of her life. She has always felt attraction towards Cienfuegos and thinks that the place has like a magnet, magic, something marvelous that she has not found yet.

Visiting Rose and listening to her is like feeling a boy once again; it is just because of her funnies remarks, like that ne she told a night about a blackout that happened once in Cienfuegos. According to her story, she was at home, in the balcony and saw a person with a rechargeable lamp put on his chin.  The light showed a distort image, so she could not see if it was a man or a woman. It seemed to be a goblin. She decided to write about that character as soon the black out was over.

In other occasion, Ibis Machado, a radio consultant asked Rosa to work for a radio show; and she answered: Me, working for radio? O.K I have never though of it. After a while she said: You know? I made up the character Trapina, from some old woman clothing, and Retazo, from some part of old men trousers. So what do you thing of Trapina and Retazo? They are great friends. Are not they?

–    You see? “And you told me that it was not possible,” said Ibis.

Although Rosa is very talented; she takes seriously the work at the radio; she shows respect to radio. She feels emotions both for working for the radio and for performance for the audience, like it should happen in the case of all artists that set out to do their work as good as possible. They finally archived it.

Rosa’s first show radio was “Pensaturno” in 1993, in the province of Cienfuegos; and two yeas later, “Amanecer feliz” was aired for the first time, for which she wrote the song of the program. This musical theme was awarded in Cuba and abroad. A third program “el Rincon de la tia Rosa” is aired, in which she is the radio scriptwriter and also the announcer and the children can share with her. Her songs are composed according to tails for children, so they can learn through their morals and become good women and men, an aim implicit on Rosa’s musical work.

Rosa was awarded in several occasions at national events. “M con a, N von I, Mani (eight times awarded) and Monigotando are some of those songs that won award. At the opening of the latter World Festival for Youth and Students, her song “en aras de vivir” was sung by a big musical group.

In 1999, she was invited by the Institute of Music and accompanied by the Children’s Chorus  “Solfa” of the city of Havana to attend those activities to held “el Dia del Arbol” ( the Tree Day) in the sister Republic of Venezuela. She was invited as a personality of Culture to the musical event “Cantoría 2000” held at Karl Marx Theater. She participated as a singer-songwriter at the event to demand the return of the child Elian Gonzalez that took place at the Cuban Anti-Imperialist grandstand. She attended as a delegate, the First Congress on Culture and Development held at the Conference Center, and was given a diploma for being the songwriter of the song: “El Rincon de la Tia Rosa”, where he was given a She also attended the International Book Fair of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico in November 2002.

Rosa Campo has also worked for local television, on channel “Perlavisión”, being a screenwriter and host of children’s programs, although she has admitted that she is especially fond of magic of radio. She has worked as developer of children’s’ projects , songwriter, host, and an excellent singer; and all above she is an great  human being, a tireless worker for art, a personality who is admired and respected by everyone wherever she goes and leaves her  everlasting hallmark.

Aunt Rose, as we all call her, is the Rosa for children, music, radio and all Cuba.



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