
Magdiel: A radio worker of “Haciendo radio” news

Magdiel Perez, who is also a member of the Hermanos Saiz Association (AHS), stressed that he was one of those listeners who constantly called the radio stations and participated in the radio programs. This way, he began to collaborate with Radio Victoria station, based in eastern La Tunas province. “I tried to make the most of my btime there: I carried out some musical production, answered the phone, and also watched the work carried out by the directors … Once one of the announcers of the station did not come to work and the director Eddy Vargas Crespo gave me the opportunity to sit in the booth.

“That daily experience was discontinued when I enrolled in high school in Holguin province. But when I returned home over the weekends, I went to Radio Victoria station to take part in a four-voices announcing in the “Comando” youth program, which was aired on Saturday, at 4:00 pm. Then, I moved to Havana to study Scientific and Technical Information at the Faculty of Communication.”

– How did you come back to the radio?

Thanks to Eddy Crespo, one more time. I had an ephemeral experience in Radio Metropolitana station. When I was in third year at the University, in 1997, I ran into him one night, while lining up during the International Film Festival. Crespo told me that they were looking for a radio announcer at Radio Cadena Habana (RCH) station. He introduced me there to undergo a test.

– How did you begin to work in “Haciendo Radio” program?

-In 2005, I came to Radio Rebelde station by chance. “I got to “Haciendo Radio” replacing announcer Luis Rodolfo Serra in the national news section for 15 days, along with Luis Rivas Morlote, current president of the AHS, as a director. In August 2006, Morlote called me to assume the cultural news section. I accepted immediately. Then, he suggested I work as a presenter; I began to tremble. On March 12, 2007 I became the director of the program.”

– What have been your greatest joys and sorrows in this program?

-Beyond not wanting to make mistakes, and errors while talking, the greatest sorrow I have had is not to be able to solve people’s problems since they put trust in me. I get excited if the listeners call me because they believe in the program, but it is sad when the time of the program is over and I can not find a solution.

“However, I tip the balance in favor of the joys. Thanks to Radio Rebelde station and the “Haciendo Radio” program I have traveled my country. It is rewarding when you’re somewhere of your area and people go to the recording booth to say hello, they identify you, and refer to things you use to say everyday. It’s like a great prize. “

– In your opinion, how is the current state of radio announcing?

“What I’m really worried about is there was a time when we had some professionals who were not trained to work on the radio. Now, an announcing course that should last from three months to a year, just gives you a certificate that allow you to work in any radio program. In this case, the professional training is not totally solid”.

“It is true that more programs should be conceived for young people, but they have to develop themselves, read tirelessly, prepare themselves, get informed, and listen to radio with frequency”. If that comprehensive training does not become more rigorous, we put the radio at risk, a means that entertains and educates.”

“We should not forget that now the young people have alternative channels and we and tend to turn off the radio. We must find the way to be more attractive without losing the rigor of work “.



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