Arnaldo Coro Antich: emblematic personality of the centenary Cuban radio

I honestly do not believe that in the Cervantine language there may be an aphorism, like that of the Apostle,  that characterizes more clearly and transparently,  the charismatic personality of the laureate writer and journalist, Prof. Arnaldo Coro Antich (1942-2023), 2017 National Radio Award winner.Coro Antich was a true expert in science, technique, and technology, all applied to the mass media, to which he dedicated himself body, mind, and soul during his eight decades of earthly existence.  He now sleeps Martí’s “dream of the just”, in the loving arms of the «Universal Spirit; leitmotif in the poetic-literary and journalistic work of the “most universal of Cubans”.

He was an illustrious member of the Union of Cuban Journalists (UPEC) and the Union of Cuban Writers and Artists (UNEAC), where I met him almost two decades ago at the “Caracol”, theoretical event,  in which he presented a paper on the great battle waged —based on science, technique, and technology— by the “rebellious and brutal North” against Cuban radio; a tight synthesis of the book, published in 1984,  about the aggression that the Caribbean airwaves were subjected to by the US empire.

In this context, Arnaldo defended —with reason and emotion— the counteroffensive carried out by the largest island in the Antilles to counteract the detrimental effects of that shameless meddling in the internal affairs of the people of Varela, Martí and Fidel.

From the university classrooms at the “Raúl Roa García” Higher Institute of International Relations and at the “José Martí” International Institute of Journalism, as well as on the Radio Progreso and Radio Havana Cuba stations, he unmasked —with the support of solid elements of scientific -technical and technological judgment – the intimate essence of the cybernetic attacks launched by the enemies of the Cuban Revolution from the neighboring nation.

However, this was by no means the only objective in his teaching-educational and media interventions. He also sought to satisfy —to the extent possible— his thirst for the scientific-technical and technological knowledge that identifies heterogeneous audiences, and thus strictly fulfill the Marti aphorism with which this chronicle begins, and which became the guide to his teaching-educational, literary and journalistic work, while he accompanied us on earth.

Prof. Arnaldo Coro Antich , may you rest in peace , for you can show heaven , with legitimate pride, your finished intellectual and spiritual work. And so be it!

Putting science into everyday language: Here is a good that few do

Jose Marti

Author: Jesús Dueñas


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