The Twentieth Anniversary Medal and the condition of National Work Hero are supported by a fruitful musical production that sings to tenderness, life and human beings. No puedo ser feliz (I can not be happy), theme song of the competition combined with other songs extraordinary lyricism: Te espero en la eternidad, Al fin amor,Es tan facil mentir, Profecia, Olvida, Lloviendo, Cuando tu me quieras among others, that make up the repertoire full of excellent tunes and tour the records tour Guzman’s work as well as the work of prominent personalities. Referring to Guzman, Esther Borja, our lovely damsel, say:
Who was actually Adolfo Guzman?
At the age of eight he began studying piano and later the instrumentation. When he was 17 years old he worked as accompanist of the Argentinean group Los Romantico Gauchos Romantics, which its singer Ricardo Dantes, became later in first actor of Cuban radio and television.
Guzman left a deep imprint on the Cuban Radio, beginning in 1938 when he debuted as a musician in CMW Cadena Roja, RHC Cadena Azul property of Amado Trinidad and Amado Diaz, as well as Argentinean singer Alberto Gomez in his tour in santo Domingo, in 1944. In 1948, Guzman repeated this tour for this nation. . Join as a pianist in the RHC Cadena Azul Amado Trinidad and Christopher Diaz, Argentine singer Alberto Gómez, who also accompanied in his tour to Santo Domingo in 1944. In 1948, Guzman repeated this tour.
Mil Diez station was in the air from 1943 to 1948, its programns were atended by the best Cuban artists among them directors Enrique Gonzalez, Roberto Valdes, Felix Guerrero and Adolfo Guzman who became in the musical director of this radio station.
About Adolfo Guzman, professor Felix Guerrero tells me Félix Guerrero: and referred me this anecdote:
One day at the Amadeo Roldan Theater, the former auditorium, a French pianist played a very difficult work. We were four or five musicians and suddenly Adolfo Guzman, who had absolute pitch, perfect, says: – That piano is out of tune. – Neither Mántici or the other we were aware. The concert ended, we went to the piano and, indeed, we proved that Guzman had two or three notes out of tune. I did not remember any other director with this characteristic.
Between 1951 and 1959, Adolfo Guzman works as a orchestra director on TV. He founded the Orchestra of the Cuban Radio and Television, which runs for many years.
In 1960 with the creation of the Cuban Institute of Music Rights, he was appointed its president. Organized, together with the great author and pianist Isolina Carrillo, the Choir Giant of the Cuban Workers Federation.
The Musical events in the country, have the wisdom and musical direction of maestro Adolfo Guzmán, including The Cuban Music Festival which is setting the blue beach of Varadero in 1975 and the International Song Festival in Varadero, in 1970 .
Adolfo Guzman also worthily represent the country as a member of the Delegation EXPO-67 in Montreal, Canada, and as musical adviser to the delegation at the Pan American Games in Santo Domingo in 1971.
Fulfilling responsibilities as president of the Cuban Institute of Music Rights, traveled to Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic and Paris. But as director of the Riverside Orchestra, you can not attend this tour by Miami, denied a visa, entry into the United States for his communist ideas.
In 1976, he received the Order twentieth anniversary of the Granma yatch landing and the title of Labor Hero of the Republic of Cuba.
Cuca Rivero and Esther Borja, personalities of our culture, winners of National Awards for Music and Television, worked in the TV program with Cuba Album Adolfo Guzman teacher for twenty-five years, but the relationship with the teacher, is deep: Cuca Rivero, keeps him alive in his memory. She says:
I admired him when he was elected as National Hero of Labor wrote a letter . He said: – I congratulate you and congratulate me for being a friend of yours. If the work you have designated hero, why not have given you a good husband, father and good friend .- I put my in box office Focsa. A few days later, he died. Ligia his wife said to me – I know that your letter was the last thing he read and said: How nice write Cuca! .- Actually, he knew he was absolutely sincere. It is an obligation to promote their songs. It is always a pleasure for a singer to interpret his music.
Coinciding with the year you choose to celebrate in Cuba the XI World Festival of Youth and Students, the Radio and Television project the performance of a competition for young talent to facilitate the presentation of their works. They say it was Alberto Vera who suggested the name: << Cuban Music Competition Adolfo Guzmán. The event held for the first time June 28 to July 2, 1978, helps open the doors to authors and performers to enter the recording studio
Song eternal youth, authorial signature Marta Valdés, played by Viviana García Rey Montesinos orchestration teacher, is the issue that is raised with the in this first edition, which features twenty-four finalists .
After ten calls are to be taxed more than two hundred works that enrich the music libraries of all radio stations in the country.
I always remember fondly Guzmán 1979, where he worked as an announcer, but the issue of competition that most impresses me in the early years, is 1981. All of us at the Karl Marx Theater in the end of that December night we went out to the wide avenue third of Miramar, the rhythm of Manguaré group . What actually happens?. The young author Andrés Pedroso avileño takes the stage of great theater for the second consecutive year. He is still alive in the memory that December 1980, and Sara Gonzalez, when he says to heart Tonada y feeling para un caminante, with which Pedroso takes the .
On this occasion the people and the jury agreed and Omara Portuondo time strolling around the stage to make a great creation of With my rifle my son, the moderator interrupted Germain Pinelli, to announce that the theme itself Andres Pedroso well worth the long-awaited verdict of the jury. Omara up from their seats to all attendees, who took to the streets to accompany the great diva of the song, and Pedroso, who was born on the shoulders.
In 2000, after a break of more than ten years, to reconvene the Cuban Music Contest Adolfo Guzman is received with joy by authors and performers. Beatriz Márquez shows off their acting to recreate the prolific author Pedro Antonio Romero, the beautiful song Mariposa , which gets deservedly Great Award of f the event.
End this review with words of Esther Borja, one of its most genuine performers, when it comes to works of the master Guzman, that profoundly shape:
Like a premonition Guzman died in of his beloved Havana, he was only 56 years in 1976.
In this delicate and beautiful song dedicated to his wife, Ligia, after counting the years spent loving, he says:
I know I’ll go first
I hope for eternity
Source: Chronicle of the book edited by Letras Cubanas publishing house Estos Rostros que se Escuchan by Josefa Bracero.