Miriam Vázquez: Kindness, tenderness and talent

From that moment, her presence was ususal in children programs, plays, stories and Cuban and universal soap operas and radio serials.

Her first performance was when she still being a student of the Training School of Actors of the Cuban Institute of Broadcasting, created by first and unforgettable actor Alejandro Lugo. Oustanding actress Teresita Rua remembered from tose times:

The first course started on December 1969 and in 1970 was created other group, then I met Miriam in our practical lessons in Radio Progres. She was thin and has a good figure, a short blond hair, expressive eyes and her endless smile. I could say the most significant Miriam’s feature was her talent. Several important television and radio directors wanted she act in their plays, she shined with her own light.

Her last performances on television were in the soap opera La cara oculta de la luna transmitted by Cubavisison Channel and the adventure story Los tres Villalobos by Tele Rebelde in 2009.

Miriam Vazquez received important recognititons for her work:

In 2001 and 2003 she was granted with the Caricato Award in Radio Category of the Scenic Arts Section of the Association of Cuban Writers and Artists (UNEAC)

In 1999, she received two awards as an  actress in the educative program ¿Conoces a Garabiela? transmitted by Radio Arte as well as her performance in “La niña que ilumino la noche”.
In 1998, Miriam was granted twice with  the Great and First Awards  for her performance in the program La gran Aventura de la Humanidad, La Casa Azul by Radio Progreso as well as in the humoristic program Alegrias de Sobremesa.

In 1997, She received the first award for her performance in the program Alegrias de Sobremesa.

In 1996, Miriam obtained the first and second award as an actress in the radio serials Snagre y Arena and Las noches de insomnio, respectively.

In 1995, She obtained the first award in the historical dramatized program La guerrilla negra.

In 1983, She received the Comedia de Television Award for La noche de Pepe in the Radio and Television Festival.

Miriam Vazquez was memeber of the artistic group, which travelled to Angola and Etiopia in 1986 and 1989 respectively.Among her other distinctions are The Iliteracy Medal, Raul Gomez Distiction and the Commemorative Coin for 80 anniversary of the Cuban Radio.

Miriam has died but we stil remember her excellent performances, her love for the Cuban people, her friendship and her endless dedication to the profesión.



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