Continue the work sessions in the 7th Congress

The resolution confirms that the the Central Report is an expression of the historical continuity of the Revolution and the teachings of its leader, Fidel Castro Ruz.
The document is the result of the debates in the four commissions where delegates exposed their opinions about several subjects in discussion, according to Granma newspaper.

The economy and political-ideological work: a strategic combination

Delegate Mahara González Ro¬drí¬guez, from Matanzas, highlighted the impact of efforts to strengthen the tourist sector, given its strategic importance to the Cuban economy. The Party must be constantly aware of what this means, we can not overlook the marked decrease of PCC members in this sector. “Just as we are prioritizing investments we must also work on expanding the ranks of the Party, by training young people in a demographic context marked by an aging population.”

The family and new generations

We are carrying out a transparent exercise here, to debate how to critically approach and evaluate our own processes and performance, noted delegate for Las Tunas, Teresa Amarelle Boué. In reference to the Central Report, Amarelle Boué praised recognition of the role of Cuban women – which since the First Party Congress to date has undergone significant transformations – in the country’s socio-political processes.

CADRE, UJC and mass organization policies

Cadre policies, which constitute a key tool in the work of the organization, and the Party’s relationship with the Young Communist League (UJC) and mass organizations, were also approved.

Objectives supported
Abelardo Álvarez Gil, a member of the Party Secretariat, highlighted participants’ broad approval of the Central Report presented by the Central Committee First Secretary.

The delegates will hold a plenary session this afternoon to consider the candidates and elect the organization´s Central Committee, to be released on Tuesday along with the members of the Politburo, the first and second secretaries.



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