Interconnection a Topic to Debate in ACS Summit in Cuba

These high representatives willdiscuss the project of the Plan of Action, on which a high consensus level exists between the members of this scheme integrated by the Caribbean countries , which celebrates its 7th Summit in the Cuban capital.

In a new paragraph with the press, also the ambassador of Trinidad and Tobago in Cuba, Lancelot Cowie, aimed that it is a question of strengthening the communication connections and maintaining the regional beginning of cooperation and integration.

For his part, the minister adviser of Dominican Republic Pedro Ureña emphasized that the need to eliminate the obstacles of the transport inter Caribbean, then, said, the transfer between the nations of the area gets dearer and dilates today, despite the geographical closeness between these nations, which affects the trade.

These officials coincided that the meeting which will be celebrated on June 4, with the Heads of State and Government, will allow to foster a global policy to eliminate the elements stopping a deeper cooperation among the seaside member countries and the rest of the Caribbean nations.

One of the essential purposes is to consolidate the region as a Zone of Peace, and impel integration, face common challenges and reach shared goals.



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