National Radio Award 2021 in Cuba: Franklin Reinoso Rivas (+Video) 

Franklin was also a speaker  in his younger years, when the Association of Young Rebels (AJR) founded its own program in Caibarién aimed at uniting all the youth organizations that existed at the time. And if we continue to add activities to it, we must mention those of remote control operator, music library clerk, recorder of acetate discs, director of the CMHA station (of instrumental music) and Head of Music of the Radio in the former province of Las Villas, prior to the new Political-Administrative division. 

As CMHW boasts  a highly recognized t radition in drama programming, Franklin Reinoso was also there as a multitrack musician and recorder at CMHW’s Studio 8. All along his working life he maintained his content as broadcaster, in which profession he holds the First Level. Many workers in the radial universe do not count on a family history in the media, but Franklin Reinoso did through direct line, since his father, Feliciano Reinoso Ramos was a sports program narrator, and is recognized as the first of his kind in Cuba – not to say  in Latin America – as stated in the book “La Radio en Cuba“, by Oscar Luis López. Feliciano’s important career as a sports narrator, musician,  sports chronicler, writer and  journalist is a source of pride for Cuba and in particular for Franklin, his son.



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