President highlights report denying alleged sonic attack in Cuba

According to specialists, the theory about the so-called Havana syndrome, an condition that according to Washington impacted the health of US diplomats in this capital ‘has only survived due to a twisted use of science’.

Members of the Academy called ‘mysterious syndrome’ to the story that the US government used to close the consular services on the island and withdraw a large part of its personnel here during the administration of Donald Trump (2017-2021).

The theory ‘assumes that the cause of these incidents are attacks with an unidentified energy weapon’, the text said.

Experts assessed the available facts ‘based on reports published in the United States and Canada, and on field studies carried out in Havana’.

They concluded that possibly some US employees felt ill due to a heterogeneous sum of medical conditions, some pre-existing before going to Cuba and others acquired due to simple or well-known causes.

The scientists emphasized that no known form of energy can selectively cause brain damage (with spatial precision similar to a laser beam) under the conditions described for the alleged Havana incidents.

‘The laws of physics describing sound, ultrasound, infrasound or radio frequency waves (including microwaves) make it impossible’, according to the document that can be fully read on the Cuban Science Academy website.



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