Radio Ariguanabo: a 5-decade journey

What are the current challenges for the station?

“At five decades of its creation, the station faces the challenge of competing with other media, hence the importance we find in social research to diagnose our acceptance as communication media.


Radio Ariguanabo will honor its 50 years with new lines of work focused on further approaching its audience. Our challenges are in our compromise with the to the people of Ariguanabo to offer  a recreational, educational and informative programming that may satisfy their preferences; guarantee context  immediacy and accompany all the processes that take place in the municipality.”


Adian Acevedo González, one of the eleven journalists in the Editorial Department , commented about his beginning  in  Radio Ariguanabo in July 2017, 4 years ago. “A year after, I was appointed head of the Editorial Department , an absolute challenge  to be at the lead of this department and to be responsible for its information policy. All these years have been of learning and preparation, both in personal and professional aspects; of learning about  the scenario  in which this local station develops and a station that  in its 50 years of broadcasting has earned the respect of its listeners. “ 

As  a local broadcasting center, the station-audience relationship is essential to reach listeners in a reliable and familiar way, hence Radio Ariguanabo focuses on listening to the voices of its people.

Satisfying the Ariguanabo public, attached to its roots and rich cultural traditions, is one of its main driving motives. For example, the oldest program is Ecos del Campo, which keeps the peasant and guateque traditions ( farmers’ party) alive. 50 years are said easily, but living through them has been difficult. Many of those who started this initiative five decades ago may not be there anymore, perhaps neither those who were only present in part of its history, but there are many who today are part of that history and are helping  to write it. Congratulations to Radio Ariguanabo, from the Cuban Radio family.




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