Cuban documentary filmmaker Santiago Alvarez remembered in Argentina

The 12th International Political Film Festival of Argentina paid tribute to Cuban documentary filmmaker Santiago Alvarez (1919-1998), as part of the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the reestablishment of diplomatic relations between the two nations.

In the context of this initiative, the films La guerra olvidada, El tigre saltó y mató… pero morirá…morirá, Now and El nuevo tango were screened at the Kirchner Cultural Center in Havana during the weekend.

The last mentioned documentary was made with material recorded in Buenos Aires, Córdoba and Mendoza, during Alvarez’s visit to Argentina in 1973, for the Noticiero Icaic team of Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry.

This team accompanied former President Osvaldo Dorticós (1919-1983) to the inauguration of former Argentine President Héctor Cámpora.

Diplomatic ties between the two nations began in 1909, but were interrupted in 1962 due to the pressures exerted by the United States in an attempt to isolate Cuba after the revolutionary triumph of 1959.

The 20th of this month, also marked the 25th anniversary of the death of the distinguished filmmaker.



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