Humanity is currently confronting major challenges in an increasingly violent world where peace is violated by powers without reserve and respect for the rules of the United Nations, Rodriguez denounced during the foreign ministers’ segment at the 17th NAM Summit, which concludes today in Margarita Island.
For her Ecuadorian peer, Guillaume Long, the main objective of the body is to fight for a more democratic world, not aligned with neoliberalism, injustice and imperialism.
For his part, Bolivian Foreign Minister, David Choquehuanca, advocated for coexistence without interventionism, with social justice, without exclusions, weapons or policies that threaten or violate life.
Palestinian Foreign Minister, Riad al-Malki, also urged to take some measures to ensure respect for international law and denounced the actions his country has been suffering by the Israeli occupation.
Meanwhile, Iranian diplomatic head, Mohamad Javad Zarif, reaffirmed the work for peace at the NAM and the challenges that military occupation, violence and terrorism pose to the body.
Iran chaired the NAM the last three years and will pass the leadership of the body to Venezuela during this summit. Venezuela will lead the body until 2019.
The Conference of Heads of State and Government will begin tomorrow at Venetur Margarita Hotel, to be concluded on Sunday, Sep. 18.