Cuba and U.S. discuss law enforcement and compliance

The communiqué, published on the website of MINREX, points out that this is the fourth round of talks between the two nations on the subject and a continuation of the one held on September 15, 2017.

The note adds that the purpose of these exchanges is to coordinate bilateral cooperation in the fight against different scourges that constitute a threat to the security of both nations, such as terrorism, drug and human trafficking and cybercrime, among others.

The meeting took place in a climate of respect and professionalism, reported MINREX, which signified the results of the cooperation that has allowed the prevention of crimes and the prosecution of violators of the law.

The meeting clarified the information and requests for cooperation pending from the United States side in order to make further progress under this mechanism.

The Cuban delegation urged the U.S. government to desist from political manipulation in the alleged health cases that became a pretext for unilateral measures affecting the functioning of the respective embassies, particularly the provision of consular services on which hundreds of thousands of people depend.

Cuba pointed out in the meeting that took place in the U.S. capital that after more than a year of research by specialized agencies and experts from Cuba and the U.S. there is no evidence, credible hypothesis or conclusions attached to science to justify the actions taken by that government.

The Secretary of State himself stated on 5 June that “the nature of the damage suffered by the personnel concerned has not been established, or whether there is common cause for all cases”, states the Minrex communiqué.

Cuba reiterated its unwavering commitment to cooperate with the United States authorities to clarify this situation and to guarantee the health and safety of Cubans and foreign citizens, which has been, is and will be a priority of the Government.

It was agreed at the meeting to continue the dialogue and to hold technical meetings between the law enforcement agencies of the two countries to implement bilateral cooperation.

The Cuban delegation was made up of representatives of the Ministries of the Interior, Foreign Affairs and Justice, the Office of the Attorney-General and the General Customs of the Republic. The U.S. side consisted of representatives from the Departments of Homeland Security, Justice and State.



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