Cuba Book fair 2018 dedicated to Eusebio Leal and China

Juan Rodriguez, president of the Organizing Committee of the fair, said that this edition will pay tribute to Leal and will feature a representative sample of China´s millenary culture.

Rodriguez highlighted the sale of one million 84,580 copies, 220,726 more than in 2016, while praised the visit of more than one million 800 thousand people.

He emphasized the increase in foreign participation, represented by 46 countries and more than 500 intellectuals, including French-Spanish writer Ignacio Ramonet, Atilio Borón from Argentina, Brazilian theologian Frei Betto and the famous Irishman Joseph O’Connor.

Abel Prieto, Cuba´s Minister of Culture, presented the book ¨Fidel Castro Ruz. Exequias, ¨with 166 images captured by eight photographers during the route of the caravan carrying the ashes of the leader from Havana to the city of Santiago after his death last November 25th.

There is a treasure in those images that can´t be translated into words, said Prieto, who described the photos as invaluable.

Likewise, it was also presented the documentary El mérito de seguir vivo, which includes significant moments of the Cuban people’s tribute to Fidel during the way of the caravan to Santa Ifigenia cemetery.

In the closing ceremony, Lazaro Exposito, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) in the province of Santiago de Cuba, received the recognition ¨Utility of Virtue, ¨granted by the José Martí Cultural Society (SCJM by its Spanish acronym).

That ceremony included an artistic gala which was also attended by Beatriz Johnson, president of the Provincial Assembly of the People’s Power, and Armando Hart, director of the Office of Marti Program and president of the SCJM, among other guests.





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